The Coach


meet Louis

Lou’s running resume runs deep: from the mile to the marathon. He is the proud owner of a sub-4-minute mile, a 2:16 marathon, and many impressive personal records in the distances in-between. His breadth and depth of experience influences his coaching style. There’s something distinct about a coach who is currently hunting greatness while supporting his athletes. His programming and expectations seem much more tuned in and inherently realistic because he knows the trials and tribulations of training in real time. 

Lou is the guy who sends the workouts; the guy with the stopwatch; the guy who will drive on the wrong side of the road to give you your mile splits; and the guy who will be there when you bonk your workout.

Lou Serafini wears many hats: coach, captain, athlete, teacher, friend, and mentor. He wears all of these hats as Grandma’s Marathon approaches. In the summer of 2018, Lou assembled several of his athletes for morning workouts as they prepared for their fall marathons. He then decided to run it back and assemble the team again for their next challenge. 

This spring, Louis will be coaching this squad up in pursuit of their Olympic Trials Qualifying Time of 2:45. While leading this group of ladies to some of their fastest times in the marathon, he will be taking on a challenge of his own. Lou will also be training for Grandma’s Marathon and pursuing his own Olympic Trials Qualifying Time.

Lou’s high expectations stem from his belief; case and point: after returning from my disappointing Marine Corps Marathon finish, he said to me, “Give me another year and I’ll make you a 2:45 marathoner.” Despite this barrier of 16 minutes, I believe him.

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